Dog Treadmill for Sale
If you are looking for a dog treadmill for sale, there are some things to consider. First, if you have a human treadmill, test your dog to see how it will respond to getting on for daily exercise. You could use a clicker or treats to entice the dog to get on and off. Repeat this step many times and stop. It is not recommended to force the dog to get on. Get the dog time to get on the treadmill on its own and working your way up the process gradually with short sessions, multiple times a day. This could mean spending a week on each step in the process.
Another thing to remember when wanting to purchase a dog treadmill is the size of your dog. A human tread mill can work for medium to small size dogs but larger dogs may not be able to stride naturally on a human treadmill.
Of course, there is the cost to consider along with the size, weight and storing of the treadmill in the home, etc.
Amazon has an inventory of dog treadmills that are worth checking out. You just can't find dog treadmills everywhere. There are videos located toward the bottom of the listing dog owners can watch to help determine the best choice for their particular is the "dogPacer Dog Treadmill" listed on Amazon. This particular dog treadmill is for ANY dog up to 180 pounds. It has 590 reviews for a 4.3 star rating. It has these benefits listed:
It folds - (only folding treadmill for dogs)
Easy to use
Easy to control
Easy to assembly
The motor is whisper-quiet with a maximum speed of 7.5 MPH. There are been 100 sold in the past month sold in this month. The weight is 97 pounds.
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